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Is it the ‘baby blues’ or something more? When to seek help

Pregnancy is a whirlwind of emotions – you’re laughing, you’re crying…maybe you peed a little…it’s a lot! But what comes after can be equally as rewarding, draining, and confusing. You may find yourself staring down at your little cherub at 3am wondering, “What am I even doing?” and plotting your escape. Whether it’s feeling disconnected from your baby, intrusive thoughts, or “mom rage”, pregnancy changes your body and mind.

One common sentiment expressed to struggling parents is, “It’s just th

Our study reveals how families reach an autism diagnosis

How families arrive at an autism diagnosis The CDC reports that 1 in 33 children are being diagnosed with autism — more than ever before. This is likely due to greater access to diagnostic services and better screening. Because early access to support is critical, we wanted to examine the journey families take from parents’ first concerns to getting their child’s formal autism diagnosis. How does a family go from “I have concerns about my child’s development” to “my child has autism”?
• None Whe

The results are in + it's Autism Acceptance Week!

A few weeks ago, we invited you to test your autism knowledge. The results were interesting… The results of our autism knowledge quiz showed that though we’re all learning, there are some autism myths that just keep sticking around. It’s important that as parents, providers, and loved ones, we continually learn so that we can support autistic people and curb misinformation. We’ve put together a mega list of our favorite resources for parents of kids with developmental differences, including auti

Dysregulation? Sensory needs? Occupational therapy can help!

What is dysregulation?

Dysregulation happens when a person is overwhelmed, overstimulated, or when their energy is “too big” or “too small” for the task. You probably recognize dysregulation when it happens in your child, like when they experience hyperactivity, overreactions, burnout, shutdowns, meltdowns, or tantrums. Want to learn more? Watch this neurodivergent parenting coach explain dysregulation. How does OT help with dysregulation? Occupational therapy is an activity-based therapy that

☀️ Family Matters Issue #4: how to survive the holidays + life-changing strategies for 2023

Set your family up for success in 2023! 🥳

At this time of year, it’s natural for us to reflect on this year while making plans for the next. If you’ve been feeling overwhelmed, frustrated, or at your wits end in 2022, you’re not alone. Families of autistic children face more challenges and have less support than other special needs families. If you’re in need of a change, we have some suggestions:

😴Not getting enough restorative sleep can intensify your child’s existing challenges, reduce thei

"Does my autistic child love me?"

Sometimes, as special needs parents, it may feel as if we’re replaceable in our child’s life — just a caregiver. But is that true? If you’ve ever wondered about your relationship with your kiddo, you’re not alone. Let’s get in our feelings a little bit as we explore this emotional topic.

Ask the right question… It’s important to know that your child may not show love in the same way you do, but that doesn’t mean it’s not there. Love is a complex concept for anyone, including neurodivergent kids

What’s cognitive behavior therapy? How CBT helps neurodivergent kids

If you’ve ever heard your child put themselves down…

Let’s face it: life can be tough. Our kiddos aren’t exempt from developing negative self-talk, anxiety, depression, or a lack of confidence. As many as 72% of children on the spectrum are also diagnosed with mental health conditions (depression and anxiety being the most common). We all want to raise healthy kids that are confident tackling life head on. But sometimes they need a little extra help… What’s CBT (cognitive behavior therapy)?


Think you know autism? Debunking myths + how to educate loved ones

You see a headline saying “XYZ causes autism!” Someone at the grocery store gives you a hard time about your child’s meltdown. A well-meaning parent at the playground tells you your child “Doesn’t look autistic.” Or “Hey, we’re all a little autistic!” Your uncle says, “Eh, they’ll grow out of it.” With all the Judgy McJudgersons and misinformation floating around, it can be hard to separate fact from fiction. Let’s debunk 15 common myths about autism, test your knowledge, and teach you how to ta

How to Connect with your Autistic Child Booklet

If you find yourself struggling to connect with your child on the spectrum, you’re not alone. As parents to special needs children, it can feel sometimes like they’re just out of our reach. Many parents remark that their autistic kiddo seems to be “in their own world”. We love them infinitely, but we don’t always know how to show it in a way that’s comfortable or relatable to them. So, how do we build meaningful and genuine connections with our autistic kids?

How to connect with your autistic child (booklet)

If you find yourself struggling to connect with your child on the spectrum, you’re not alone. As parents to special needs children, it can feel sometimes like they’re just out of our reach. Many parents remark that their autistic kiddo seems to be “in their own world”. We love them infinitely, but we don’t always know how to show it in a way that’s comfortable or relatable to them. So, how do we build meaningful and genuine connections with our autistic kids?

This free connection guide is just

How to connect with your autistic child (booklet)

If you find yourself struggling to connect with your child on the spectrum, you’re not alone. As parents to special needs children, it can feel sometimes like they’re just out of our reach. Many parents remark that their autistic kiddo seems to be “in their own world”. We love them infinitely, but we don’t always know how to show it in a way that’s comfortable or relatable to them. So, how do we build meaningful and genuine connections with our autistic kids?

20 questions parents should ask ABA providers

If you’ve decided to try ABA therapy for your autistic child, it can feel daunting to find the right provider. Where do you start? What red flags should you look out for? Don’t worry! We’ve compiled the ultimate ABA provider questions for parents of autistic children. Here are 20 questions you should ask potential ABA providers before you commit to starting your child’s therapy.

Click on any of the questions below to skip straight to the deep dive and learn more (printable guide):
• Can I watch

Debunking 15 myths about autism

You’re either autistic or you’re not. Many times, people will use this phrase as a way to relate to autistic people and identify with their tics or “quirks”. It’s a well-meaning attempt to say “hey, you’re not that different from everyone else, we all have peculiar behaviors.” However, autism is not just a set of behaviors or “quirks”, it’s a neurological difference that affects how a person experiences the world around them. To say “we’re all a little autistic” kind of trivializes the struggles

Secure attachment and autism challenges

While secure attachment is the basis for a healthy, engaging relationship between parent and child, many autistic kids don’t securely attach with their caregivers. This can be for many reasons, including factors like parenting style or environment, but there are also unique challenges that come with raising a child with autism that can affect the parent/child relationship. There are a ton of benefits to securely attaching with your child, but how can you address these challenges? Here are 7 chal

Our favorite resources for parents of kids with developmental differences

A diagnosis can be a really sobering and difficult thing. Whether your child has been recently diagnosed with autism, ADHD, or some other developmental difference, you may have left the appointment with more questions than answers. It’s important to surround yourself with a support system, as well as seek out affirming learning resources that can teach you how to best help your child. We’ve compiled a mega list of our favorite writers, courses, websites, and more.
• HAVEN Bridge is a neurodivers

You're Never Too Young to Learn Consent

My 4-year-old with autism understands consent. There are grown people that still don't.

Age and neurological differences can leave you wondering, "how do I even *begin* to broach these topics with my kid?"

Never fear, I've got you covered.

We've used this strategy with my nephew since he was born and at 4, he's now able to express verbally and with sign language/body language what he wants and doesn't want to happen with his body.

Not only that, but he LOVES his body, and is getting better a

Does my autistic child love me? 4 attachment styles you need to know

It’s something we’ve all wondered: does my autistic child love me? Do they understand how much I love them? Sometimes, as special needs parents, it may feel as if we’re replaceable in our child’s life — just a caregiver. But is that true? If you’ve ever wondered about your relationship with your kiddo, you’re not alone. Let’s get “in our feelings” a little bit as we explore this emotional topic.

Does my autistic child love me?

Autistic children are able to feel the full range of human emotions

The best gifts for kids with autism for Christmas 2022 + discount codes!

Choosing the right gift for your child can be difficult — you want something that will be exciting, but will also hold their attention and not end up shoved in the back of a closet in a few days. As the parent or loved one of an autistic child, you also want to ensure you’re getting them something developmentally appropriate and beneficial. Whether your child is constantly in motion or obsessed with tech, we’ve got the ultimate gift round up for autistic kids in 2022. Scroll for the best gifts f

13 ways to play with your autistic child

It’s important for parents to play with their children. You don’t need to spend a lot of money on toys or games. Spending time playing with your child will help improve their social skills. Good play skills are also associated with greater empathy, better decision-making abilities, and improved teamwork in kids with autism.1

You may be thinking “but my child doesn’t know how to play” or “my child doesn’t like it when I try to play with them!” Autistic kids know how to play in their own way. The

7 tips for a meltdown-free Christmas morning

Christmas can be an exciting and joyful day, but it can also be a little overwhelming for children on the autism spectrum. There’s lights, sounds, new toys, squeals of glee, and maybe some houseguests or travel. If you want to make sure your autistic child has an awesome Christmas, without the overwhelm or stress, check out our best tips for a meltdown-free Christmas morning.

1. Let your child know what to expect in advance

In the days and weeks before Christmas, you can use books, pictures, o

How to choose the perfect gift for your autistic child

It’s almost that time of the year! The holidays are an exciting time, filled with lots of stimulation and special experiences. One very fun (but sometimes overwhelming) part of the season is giving and receiving gifts. Here are 7 tips that can make receiving gifts a little less overwhelming and more enjoyable for your child with autism.

1. Connect your child’s gift to their special interests or sensory diet

If you’re not sure what to get your child this year, try connecting their gift to their
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